Our training formats

Classroom Courses
Delivered in premier locations worldwide, explore our courses taught by leading industry experts.

Virtual Courses
Interactive virtual instructor-led courses offer flexibility since they can be taken anytime, anywhere within your schedule.

In-House Courses
Bespoke in-house training solutions are delivered virtually or face-to-face, and are tailored to address the issues that matter most to your team
Upcoming Energy
Oil Trader Academy
20 – 31 January 2025
ICE Europe, London, UK
Operations and Oil Trading
11-14 February 2025
Dubai, UAE
Chartering Operations & Post-Fixture
3-5 March 2025
Zoom delivery
Bills Of Lading
6-7 March 2025
Zoom Delivery

Learning that
makes a difference
Don’t just take our word for it, listen to what some of our amazing participants had to say
Our clients testimonials
It was good to learn theory and then instantly try practically. It was fun to actually put into practice what you learn.
It is an excellent course with a good mix of classroom training and simulations. You really get to know, what all trading is about in real-time situation and when they are dealing and occupies the hands with at school.
So what makes the Oil Trader Academy standouts in comparison to other training, is the fact that you can learn in theory by listening to lecturers and putting everything into practice for doing simulations and software advice. Thank you for the great course.
Thank you very much for this course. It was a pleasure to update and acquire new knowledge and to meet and to meet really pleasant & professional people
Very intensive course. Gives you a very broad idea about the risks and their mitigation ways to protect my future deals with correct financial instruments
I’ve been very satisfied with the programme and would like suggest participation on this course to all who work in this area or just starting career in the oil industry
This course was very interesting and useful for me as a lawyer working for oil & gas company.
Overall of the course was strong. Good enthusiastic presentations and seemed to meet varied needs of the group. Well done!
I really enjoyed this course. I appreciate the quality of lectures delivered by very skilled people.
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